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Feast of Trumpets Anti-type in History - The Great Reformation




Talk about a trumpet blast! Here is the Biblical explanation of the Trumpets: Numbers 29:1-6; On the first day of the seventh month you shall have a holy convocation; you shall do no laborious work. It is a day for you to blow the trumpets, and you shall offer a burnt offering, a pleasing odor to the Lord….seven male lambs a year old without blemish; ….(the SDA Bible Commentary vol. 1 pp 805 v. 24 reads: Blowing the trumpets. On the first day of the seventh month was a Sabbath; “an holy convocation” was to be held. On that day the trumpets were blown, for the Day of Atonement was near at hand, and the first nine days of the month were to be days of preparation for it.)



Jul 2, 1505 - Martin Luther. Luther had been visiting his parents. On his way back to the University of Erfurt, where he was about to embark on the study of law, a sudden and severe thunderstorm struck. The storm was so vicious that Luther became afraid. When a bolt of lightning struck a tree so close to Luther that it knocked him to the ground, Luther uttered the vow, “Save me, St. Anne, and I will become a monk.






The Great Reformation was a preparation for the 1844 movement. It opened the door for the Bible to be preached as well as printed. It was a call to holiness and a turning away from the worldliness that prevailed Christendom.  It was a time for our Lord to bring back the truths that had been so darkened throughout the previous thousand years: Salvation through grace as apposed to Penance, Prayers directly to the Father as apposed to a priest/confessional, and Baptism by immersion as compared to infant sprinkling. Talk about a Trumpet blast! It was a time of preparation for the 1st and 2nd angels message…”The hour of judgment has come” The heavenly Day of Atonement proclaimed on earth.

Reformation Diagram (PDF)